We are not in the cloud.

We are not web (cloud) based. Most of our peers are what you would call cloud based. This means that their application runs through the internet and can only be accessed through a web browser with a high speed internet connection.

Cloud based apps have the following problems -

  • You need an internet connection to run them.
  • Their graphical interface is often clunky.
  • Your data is stored in an unknown location of which you have no control.
  • Your data may be sold.
  • The company can disappear overnight, along with their app and all of your data.
  • You are locked in, either pay their fees or don't get access to their app.

Jeyla Studio is different... it is installed and runs locally on your computer. You simply do not have these issues -

  • Jeyla Studio works offline!
  • Our graphical interface is intuitive, high quality and fast.
  • Your data is safely stored on your computer (with easy backup).
  • You, and only you, have access to your data (ie, it can't be sold).
  • Jeyla Studio is free, so you’re not held ransom to fees.
  • Even if we were to (hypothetically) disappear overnight, you could quite happily continue to run Jeyla Studio for as long as you liked.

Our revenue model is different.

Our revenue model is quite different to most others.

  • We don’t charge a monthly fee for access to our application.
  • We don’t take a percentage of your sales (this by the way, is an incredibly expensive way to pay for software).
  • We don’t start charging after a trial period ends.

Instead, we offer the base application free (genuinely free) and revenue (if any) is generated only from extra add-ons. Our main focus is not on generating revenue, and as such, we are currently not offering any add-ons. This may, or may not change in future.

Thanks for considering us.

So, there you go. This is what separates us from most others. We hope it has given you some things to consider and good luck with your software search!